Boussayen Knani & Associés


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MAY 19, 2020

Presentation of Decree-law of the Head of Government No. 2020-19 of May 15, 2020, establishing specific provisions relating to the reimbursement of credits and financing granted by banks and financial institutions to their customers

  • The Constitution, in particular its article 65 and the second paragraph of its article 70
  • Law No. 2016-35 of April 25, 2016, establishing the status of the Central Bank of Tunisia
  • Law No. 2016-48 of July 11, 2016, relating to banks and financial institutions
  • Law No. 2020-19 of April 12, 2020, authorizing the Head of Government to issue decree-laws with the aim of dealing with the repercussions of the spread of the Coronavirus “Covid-19”
  • Law No. 2020-19 of April 12, 2020 authorizing the Head of Government to issue decree-laws for a period of two months, from April 12, 2020, with a view to dealing with the repercussions of the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid -19) and ensure the regular operation of vital services.
  • Law No. 2020-19 of April 12, 2020 limits delegation in four areas. The first relates to the financial, fiscal and social areas and includes measures aimed at:
  • « direct or indirect guidance, support and assistance to individuals and businesses affected by the repercussions of the Coronavirus,
  • the mobilization, for the benefit of the State budget, of the resources required to cover the costs intended to deal with the repercussions of the Coronavirus,
  • the modulation of the procedures and modalities of health and social coverage for socially insured persons affected by the Coronavirus”.

The Central Bank of Tunisia sets, by circular, the deadlines and procedures for deferring repayment of the due dates of credits and financing granted by banks and financial establishments to their clients…

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