The lawyers of Boussayene Knani & Associés frequently contribute to publications in several legal journals specializing in Business Law. In addition, members of the firm regularly host training seminars on current topics in Business Law and Arbitration, intended in particular for lawyers, businesses and management executives.
2016 retrospective: Current events and practice in business law: Banking law, Competition law, Distribution law and Financing law
2016 Retrospective: Publication from the Boussayene Knani & Associés firm which offers insights into recent current issues in Business Law in 2016.
– Banking law: commentary on the law of July 11, 2016 relating to banks and financial establishments: This study attempts to reveal the main new developments affecting the activities, actors, governance, control and regulation of banks and establishments financial in difficulty.
– Competition law / Distribution law: (Case law) The main orientations of the Competition Council (years 2015-2016). The Boussayene Knani cabinet deemed it appropriate to publish a selection of recent and unpublished decisions in a certain number of cases, some of which were handled by the Cabinet. This publication attempts to reflect the evolution of case law in this area.
– Financing law: (Doctrine) The practice of venture capital in Tunisia: This study aims to analyze the practice of shareholder pacts through its different stages, namely:
the acquisition of a stake by the SICAR in the capital of the company