Boussayen Knani & Associés


The lawyers of Boussayene Knani & Associés frequently contribute to publications in several legal journals specializing in Business Law.
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February 6, 2017

The practice of venture capital in Tunisia-By Maître Yosra BACCAR: Article published in the Revue Infos Juridiques-February 2017

Venture capital (Private equity) has today become a major player in the international financial landscape.

Born in the United States in Silicon Valley, and closely linked to high-tech projects, Private Equity then appeared in the United Kingdom and France in the 1960s to currently become a widely used financing technique throughout the world (…).

Tunisia was the first Arab and African country to practice venture capital by promulgating in 1988, Law No. 88-92 of August 2, 1988. This law has been modified several times to take greater account of the specificities of this activity and of the investment environment in Tunisia.

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