Boussayen Knani & Associés


The lawyers of Boussayene Knani & Associés frequently contribute to publications in several legal journals specializing in Business Law.
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February 22, 2016

La notion d’entreprise économique dans la jurisprudence du Conseil de la Concurrence Par Maître Amine KNANI

Through Law No. 91-64 of July 29, 1991 relating to competition and prices, the Tunisian legislator determined the persons subject to the rules of free competition. It is more precisely article 1 which provides that “the purpose of this law is… to establish for this purpose the obligations imposed on producers, traders, service providers and other intermediaries”.

It follows that Tunisian competition law does not only apply to traders. On the contrary, its scope is clearly broader than that of commercial law, often defined as the law of traders and commercial acts.

Article 1 seems to target any form of production of goods and services, thus enshrining a broad conception of competition law based on the notion of enterprise.

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