Boussayen Knani & Associés


The lawyers of Boussayene Knani & Associés frequently contribute to publications in several legal journals specializing in Business Law.
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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


The health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic will probably have caused a large number of companies to switch to teleworking in 2020. Some now wish to establish this mode of working over the long term.

No regulatory framework currently exists in Tunisia regarding teleworking but no text prohibits it. It is therefore entirely possible to implement it while respecting the regulations in force.

Indeed, this mode of professional practice tends to develop all over the world and will probably follow the same path in Tunisia. These particular circumstances offered the opportunity to employers and employees to see the advantages conferred by teleworking which is not yet a widespread practice in Tunisia.

In order to implement teleworking in Tunisia, it will be necessary to rely on existing legislation and provide for each company a framework that is adapted to its needs and its own resources.

This supervision will take either the form of a global charter proposed by the company to its employees, or the form of a contract between the employer and the employee which will take into consideration the different aspects of the exercise of tasks and responsibilities. to be carried out remotely. Indeed, teleworking respects the principle of voluntary service, and the consent of the employee, like that of the employer, must be obtained. The parties can provide an adaptation time allowing each of them to return to the agreement, this is the principle of reversibility…

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