Boussayen Knani & Associés


The lawyers of Boussayene Knani & Associés frequently contribute to publications in several legal journals specializing in Business Law.
In addition, members of the firm regularly host training seminars on current topics in Business Law and Arbitration, intended in particular for lawyers, businesses and management executives.

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APRIL 8, 2020

Covid-19 – Business continuity plan for Boussayene Knani & Associates

  • Dear clients,

    In the context of the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic and the threat it poses to public health, ensuring the health of our dear customers, our friends, our colleagues, our collaborators and our employees becomes our priority.

    This is why our office has taken a certain number of precautions and measures since last week to reduce the risk of contamination. We have even asked all lawyers, consultants and assistants to continue working remotely from their homes in order to preserve everyone’s health and the interests and rights of clients.

    Considering, on the one hand the suspension of the functioning of courts and administrations, with the exclusion of urgent matters and on the other hand, the limitation of circulation on an internal and external scale, our firm has put in place, in addition emails, all tools for communicating with our customers via digital technologies, such as video or telephone conferences.

    We are working on current affairs and responding to all your consultations and questions, but at the same time we are preparing for “post-Corona” and what it will bring in terms of economic and financial impacts and difficulties.

    Therefore, we are determined to study legal, financial and tax solutions in relation to the management of the crisis in light of all the government decisions taken to deal with this delicate situation and protect your interests.

    Do not hesitate to contact us to support you, assist and defend your rights and interests and we invite you to follow our publications and legal studies related to the current crisis on our website at the following address:

    To facilitate our mission, we ask you to copy in all your emails sent to our office:

    We thank you for your trust in our firm, particularly in these exceptional circumstances. We make every effort to make the future better and to reduce risks as much as possible in order to protect your interests.

    Do not hesitate to contact us to serve and support you in Tunisia and elsewhere.

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